For Educators

Kentucky and Ohio Valley History Resources for the Classroom 

Utilizing the Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies, we have compiled a pertinent list of direct links to our digital collections and exhibits to enhance your classroom curriculum! Please keep in mind that these digital resources are only a SMALL percentage of the Filson’s historical collections. There is more to explore! Check out our manuscript catalog and library database to browse.

Questions about class visits to the Filson? Want to learn more about how to implement Filson resources in your classroom? Please contact Community Engagement Specialist, Emma Bryan at 502-635-5083 or .gro.1739754440lacir1739754440otsih1739754440nosli1739754440f@nay1739754440rbamm1739754440e1739754440 

Encountering the First American West 

The themes presented here explore the trans-Appalachian West from the beginning of European-American settlement to the end of the frontier period, focusing particularly on the Ohio River Valley and Kentucky. These themes examine how those who came to the West encountered its possibilities and challenges, and also how they understood and interpreted their encounters with other western peoples and cultures. Click here to explore the digital project.

Kentucky Academic Standards – Geography Progression