Ades-Goldin Family Papers, 1888-2013
Held by the Filson Historical Society
Creator: Ades-Goldin Family
Title: Papers, 1888-2013.
Rights: For information regarding literary and copyright interest for these papers, contact the Curator of Collections.
Size of Collection: 4 cubic feet and 1 oversized folder
Location Number: Mss. A A232
Scope and Content Note
The collection consists of papers of two Jewish families, the Ades and Goldin families of Louisville, Kentucky, from 1888-2013. The bulk of the collection consists of several series of correspondence from the 1920s-1950s, documenting the personal relationships of family members, their everyday activities and concerns, their Jewish beliefs and practices, and political events. Other materials from 1888-2013 include legal and financial documents, newspaper clippings, programs, and invitations. Some items are in Yiddish and Hebrew.
Folders 1-7 contain various papers and financial records of Moses William Ades (1882-1959) and Sarah Belle Grad Ades (1896-1951). Included are the 1888 naturalization papers of Moses’s father Louis Ades; Moses’s Masons certificates and World War I registration card; Moses’s annual financial records from 1920-1949; documents relating to Moses’s and Sarah Belle’s ownership of Russian and Israeli foreign bonds; materials about the Pittsburgh Fuel Company, where Moses worked as an executive; and a 1922 Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA) program and a 1959 Louisville Orchestra program. Also of note are Moses’s will and obituary from 1959 and correspondence to Moses’s daughter Anita expressing condolences.
Folders 8-45 consist primarily of correspondence between Moses and Sarah Belle Ades from 1923-1942, but also include letters from family and friends. Letters cover Moses and Sarah Belle’s courtship beginning in August 1923, when Moses lived in Louisville and Sarah Belle in Cincinnati, leading up to their wedding on January 29, 1924. Folder 17 contains two photographs of Sarah Belle and Moses that were enclosed with a letter from November 2, 1923. Subsequent letters cover the short periods when Sarah Belle traveled back to Cincinnati to help care for her sick mother Hannah Grad or one of her sisters, or when Moses traveled on business. Moses writes about members of the Louisville Jewish community, Zionist meetings, and his coal company work. Sarah Belle writes of her job before marriage and about her friends and family members in Cincinnati. In the summer of 1928, Sarah Belle notes telling people that she is pregnant; Sarah Belle and Moses’s daughter Anita was born in November. Sarah Belle writes letters in 1941 from the Martinsville Sanitarium Mineral Springs in Indiana, expressing her surprise to find “many Jewish people from Louisville” there.
Folders 46-52 consist primary of correspondence between Anita Ades and her parents Sarah Belle and Moses while Anita was a camper at Camp Tall Trees during the summers of 1939-1942 and a counselor during the summers of 1945-1946. Camp Tall Trees was built in 1939 when the YMHA leased land at Otter Creek Park in Meade County, Kentucky. Letters include discussions about Anita’s camp activities and relationships with other campers and counselors, Sarah Belle’s updates on Louisville, and references to polio epidemics, food costs during World War II, Jewish services at the camp, and Anita’s health and weight. Many letters are undated or have circa dates.
Folders 53-145 hold correspondence between Anita and her mother Sarah Belle while Anita was a student at Cornell University from October 1946-February 1950, with some letters from Moses and other family members and friends. Anita updates her mother about her classes, her Home Economics major, her social and dating life, and her involvement with the Jewish sorority Alpha Epsilon Phi. Letters document her relationship with Johnny Efroysom, a Cornell student from Shaker Heights, Ohio, and how they continued to date other people. Anita writes of going to the Cornell Hillel, teaching Sunday school, playing ping pong, and participating in speech competitions. Sarah Belle’s letters provide information about her activities in Louisville, such as shopping and attending Hadassah meetings, and about her relationships with members of her family and the Jewish community in Louisville and Cincinnati. She frequently dispenses advice to Anita about her schoolwork, her relationships, her physical and emotional health, and her future choices about career and marriage. Anita and Sarah Belle both comment on political issues of the time, such as Zionism, anti-Semitism, communism, and civil rights.
Folder 146 contains correspondence to Sarah Belle Ades from family members and friends during the years 1947-1949 and includes some undated letters.
Folders 147-189 consist of correspondence from Dr. Albert (Al) Goldin to Anita following their marriage in 1950, mostly covering the years 1952-1953 when Al served in the United States Army as a physician and captain during the Korean War. Some letters are from July 1950, when Al is on vacation in Ohio and Michigan. The rest of the letters are from his time with the Army at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas; Camp Stoneman in Pittsburgh, California; a military hospital near Pusan, South Korea; and a military hospital in Sapporo, Japan. Al writes about his fellow soldiers, recreational activities, the people and sights in South Korea, Jewish services and holidays, and his supervision of Korean physicians treating Korean and Chinese prisoners of war at the hospital. Although the collection does not include Anita’s letters to Al, Al’s letters contain his responses to Anita’s updates about their daughter Sara Joyce and Louisville news.
Folders 190-197 consist of letters written from Anita Ades Goldin to her father Moses from July-November 1953, when she and Sara Joyce traveled to Japan to live with Al during his assignments in Sapporo, Kokura, and Nara. Anita writes about their housing and meals, the scarcity and availability of different consumer products, and their social activities. Folder 197 contains a 1954 news release about Anita’s position teaching English to Japanese students in Nara, and a 1957 letter from one of her former students, Kintaro Tomiyama.
Folders 198-219 contain correspondence and papers relating to the Goldin family from 1954-2013. There are folders of correspondence to and from Anita and Al Goldin, their children Joyce and Harry, and Al’s mother Leah Goldin; celebrities’ autographs and notes, collected by Anita; newspaper clippings; and materials relating to Anita’s opposition to the sale of Shalom Towers in 2006 while she was president of the board. Two folders contain various papers of Anita and Albert, including their 1950 wedding announcement and marriage certificate; Eliahu Academy materials from 1957-1966; a 1969 University of Louisville commencement program for Anita’s master’s in social work; and materials related to Anita’s 2006 Jewish Community Federation Award. There are some papers of Joyce Goldin Palgy and her son Mark, a folder of genealogy information, and postcards depicting prominent Jewish figures from Europe and America, including one of Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis.
Oversize folder 220 contains Moses Ades and Sarah Belle Grad’s marriage certificates; a 1955 program for a dedication dinner for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University in New York City; and a 1996 caricature of Albert Goldin.
Related Collections:
Anita Ades papers, 1916-1946 [Mss. C A].
Tintype of Sarah Belle Grad Ades, ca. 1900, 019PC47.01, Individual Photograph Collection.
Photograph of Dr. Albert G. Goldin and the University of Louisville Medical Anatomy Class of 1944, MED-1, Panoramic Photograph Collection.
Biographical Note
Moses William Ades (1882-1959) was the son of Louis and Mary S. (Monfried) Ades. Moses and his parents immigrated from Lithuania to the Unites States by 1888. In Louisville, Moses became a member of Congregation Adath Jeshurun and of the Preston Masonic Lodge and the Scottish Rite. He helped to establish the local chapter of the Zionist Organization of America. He spent most of his adult career in management and leadership positions with the Pittsburgh Coal Company, which by the mid-1920s was called the Pittsburgh Fuel Company.
Sarah Belle Grad (1892-1951) was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, the daughter of Russian Jewish immigrants Hanna and Julius Grad. She married Moses Ades in 1924 and their daughter Anita was born in Louisville in 1928. Anita graduated from Cornell University with a degree in home economics in 1950 and married Albert Goldin later that year. She received a master’s degree in sociology at the University of Louisville and was a lecturer in the department for several years. She received a second master’s degree in social work from the University of Louisville in 1969 and worked settling Soviet Jewish immigrants in Louisville.
Albert Goldin was born in 1923 in Lima, Ohio. His father, Harry (Nechemia) Goldin, was from Gomel, Belarus, and married Leah from Babruysk, Belarus. Harry came to America in 1914 to earn money to bring over Leah and their two children, but the First World War broke out, followed by the Russian Revolution, so Leah came with the children years later. Albert was the first child born in America. Albert received his medical degree from the University of Louisville in 1946, and served in the Army as a physician and captain during the Korean War. He practiced Internal Medicine and non-invasive Cardiology in Louisville. Anita and Albert had two children, Sara Joyce (married and divorced Abraham Palgy of Kibbutz Sarid, Israel; Mark Nissan is their child) and Harry (married Jane Kaplan of Chicago; Elise and Jacob are their children).
Carol Ely, Jewish Louisville: Portrait of a Community, pp. 67-70, 81
Louisville, Kentucky, City Directory, 1922, 1923, 1946, 1949, 1952,
Folder List
Box 1
Folder 1: Louis Ades Naturalization Papers, 1888, undated
Folder 2: Moses Ades Papers, 1904-1942
Folder 3: Moses and Sarah Ades Financial Records, 1920-1949
Folder 4: Moses and Sarah Ades Foreign Bonds, 1917-1918, 1927, 1950
Folder 5: Pittsburgh Fuel Company, 1922, 1959
Folder 6: YMHA and Louisville Orchestra Programs, 1922, 1959
Folder 7: Moses Ades Will, Obituaries, and Correspondence, 1959
Folder 8: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Aug. 13-30, 1923, undated
Folder 9: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Sept. 5-13, 1923
Folder 10: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Sept. 14-18, 1923
Folder 11: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Sept. 19-21, 1923
Folder 12: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Sept. 23-27, 1923
Folder 13: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 3-7, 1923
Folder 14: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 8-12, 1923
Folder 15: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 20-27, 1923
Folder 16: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 28-31, 1923
Folder 17: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Nov. 1-6, 1923
Folder 18: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Nov. 7-17, 1923
Folder 19: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Nov. 18-22, 1923
Folder 20: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Nov. 24-28, 1923
Folder 21: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Dec. 8-12, 1923
Folder 22: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Dec. 13-18, 1923
Folder 23: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Dec. 19-27, 1923
Folder 24: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Dec. 29-31, 1923
Folder 25: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 2-7, 1924
Folder 26: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 8-14, 1924
Folder 27: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 15-21, 1924
Folder 28: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 23-26, 1924
Folder 29: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, May 3-14, 1924
Folder 30: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 9-16, 1924
Folder 31: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 29-April 30, 1925
Folder 32: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, May 1-Aug. 31, 1925
Folder 33: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Sept. 1-8, 1925
Folder 34: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Nov. 15-Dec. 7, 1925
Folder 35: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 27-Feb. 18, 1926
Folder 36: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, May 2-8, 1926
Folder 37: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, June 7-12, 1926
Folder 38: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 20-29, 1926
Folder 39: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Nov. 23-Dec. 7, 1926
Folder 40: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Jan. 29-Dec. 1, 1927
Folder 41: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, June 8-Aug. 24, 1928
Folder 42: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, May 19, 1930-Nov. 11, 1933
Folder 43: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, June 18, 1934-Nov. 3, 1937
Folder 44: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Oct. 27-Nov. 9, 1938
Folder 45: Moses and Sarah Ades Correspondence, Aug. 9, 1941-Jan. 29, 1942
Box 2
Folder 46: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees Correspondence, summer 1939
Folder 47: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees Correspondence, summer 1940
Folder 48: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees Correspondence, summer 1941
Folder 49: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees and Miscellaneous Correspondence, June-Oct. 1942
Folder 50: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees Correspondence, June 1945
Folder 51: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees Correspondence, July 1945, undated
Folder 52: Anita Ades Camp Tall Trees Correspondence, summer 1946
Folder 53: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 9-14, 1946, April 5, 2004
Folder 54: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 15-19, 1946
Folder 55: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 20-31, 1946
Folder 56: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 1-5, 1946
Folder 57: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 5-8, 1946
Folder 58: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 10-18, 1946
Folder 59: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 19-24, 1946
Folder 60: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 25-30, 1946
Folder 61: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 1-6, 1946
Folder 62: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 7-12, 1946
Folder 63: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 13-19, 1946
Folder 64: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 2-6, 1947
Folder 65: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 7-13, 1947
Folder 66: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 14-19, 1947
Folder 67: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 20-26, 1947
Folder 68: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 27-31, 1947
Folder 69: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 1-7, 1947
Folder 70: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 8-15, 1947
Folder 71: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 16-28, 1947
Folder 72: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 1-8, 1947
Folder 73: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 9-14, 1947
Folder 74: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 16-20, 1947
Folder 75: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 21-25, 1947
Folder 76: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 25-30, 1947
Folder 77: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 1-5, 1947
Folder 78: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 6-26, 1947
Folder 79: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 26-27, 1947
Folder 80: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 28-31, 1947
Folder 81: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 1-9, 1947
Folder 82: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 9-11, 1947
Folder 83: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 12-23, 1947
Folder 84: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 24-31, 1947
Folder 85: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, June 1-7, 1947
Folder 86: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Aug. 8-27, 1947
Folder 87: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Sept. 17-21, 1947
Folder 88: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Sept. 22-30, 1947
Folder 89: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 1-11, 1947
Folder 90: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 12-24, 1947
Folder 91: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 26-31, 1947
Folder 92: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 1-2, 1947
Folder 93: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 3-9, 1947
Folder 94: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 10-23, 1947
Folder 95: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 24-30, 1947
Folder 96: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 1-6, 1947
Folder 97: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 7-31, 1947
Folder 98: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 2-18, 1948
Folder 99: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 19-31, 1948
Folder 100: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 1-12, 1948
Folder 101: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 13-19, 1948
Folder 102: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 20-29, 1948
Folder 103: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 1-6, 1948
Folder 104: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 7-24, 1948
Folder 105: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 4-17, 1948
Folder 106: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 18-22, 1948
Folder 107: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 23-30, 1948
Box 3
Folder 108: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 1-8, 1948
Folder 109: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 9-30, 1948
Folder 110: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, June 1-7, 1948
Folder 111: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Sept. 3-26, 1948
Folder 112: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 1-16, 1948
Folder 113: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 17-24, 1948
Folder 114: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 26-31, 1948
Folder 115: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 1-12, 1948
Folder 116: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 14-26, 1948
Folder 117: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 28-30, 1948
Folder 118: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 2-31, 1948
Folder 119: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 2-8, 1949
Folder 120: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 9-22, 1949
Folder 121: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 23-31, 1949
Folder 122: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 1-12, 1949
Folder 123: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 13-14, 1949
Folder 124: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 15-28, 1949
Folder 125: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 1-15, 1949
Folder 126: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 16-22, 1949
Folder 127: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, March 23-28, 1949
Folder 128: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 4-13, 1949
Folder 129: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 14-19, 1949
Folder 130: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, April 20-30, 1949
Folder 131: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 1-8, 1949
Folder 132: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 9-14, 1949
Folder 133: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, May 15-31, 1949
Folder 134: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, June 1-9, 1949
Folder 135: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Aug. 6-12, 1949
Folder 136: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Sept. 15-30, 1949
Folder 137: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 1-4, 1949
Folder 138: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 5-16, 1949
Folder 139: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Oct. 17-31, 1949
Folder 140: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 1-13, 1949
Folder 141: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Nov. 14-30, 1949
Folder 142: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Dec. 2-31, 1949
Folder 143: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 1-13, 1950
Folder 144: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Jan. 14-31, 1950
Folder 145: Anita Ades Cornell University Correspondence, Feb. 1-5, May 26, 1950
Folder 146: Correspondence to Sarah Ades, 1947-1949, undated
Folder 147: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, undated, July 26-29, 1950
Folder 148: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Sept. 10-14, 1952
Folder 149: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Sept. 16-21, 1952
Folder 150: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Sept. 22-25, 1952
Folder 151: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Sept. 27-30, 1952
Folder 152: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Oct. 2-3, 1952
Folder 153: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Nov. 24-30, 1952
Folder 154: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Dec. 1-9, 1952
Folder 155: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Dec. 11-16, 1952
Folder 156: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Dec. 17-22, 1952
Folder 157: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Dec. 23-31, 1952
Folder 158: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Jan. 1-7, 1953
Folder 159: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Jan. 8-12, 1953
Folder 160: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Jan. 13-19, 1953
Folder 161: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Jan. 20-25, 1953
Folder 162: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Jan. 26-31, 1953
Folder 163: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Feb. 1-5, 1953
Folder 164: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Feb. 6-10, 1953
Folder 165: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Feb. 11-15, 1953
Folder 166: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Feb. 16-21, 1953
Folder 167: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, Feb. 22-28, 1953
Folder 168: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, March 1-4, 1953
Folder 169: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, March 6-10, 1953
Folder 170: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, March 11-15, 1953
Folder 171: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, March 16-20, 1953
Folder 172: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, March 21-25, 1953
Folder 173: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, March 26-31, 1953
Box 4
Folder 174: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, April 1-5, 1953
Folder 175: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, April 6-11, 1953
Folder 176: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, April 12-16, 1953
Folder 177: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, April 17-21, 1953
Folder 178: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, April 22-30, 1953
Folder 179: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, May 1-5, 1953
Folder 180: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, May 6-10, 1953
Folder 181: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, May 11-15, 1953
Folder 182: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, May 16-20, 1953
Folder 183: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, May 21-31, 1953
Folder 184: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, June 1-5, 1953
Folder 185: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, June 6-11, 1953
Folder 186: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, June 12-16, 1953
Folder 187: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, June 17-21, 1953
Folder 188: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, June 22-26, 1953
Folder 189: Albert Goldin Correspondence to Anita Ades Goldin, June 27-30, 1953
Folder 190: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, July 8-16, 1953
Folder 191: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, July 17-30, 1953
Folder 192: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, Aug. 2-30, 1953
Folder 193: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, Sept. 3-16, 1953
Folder 194: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, Sept. 19-28, 1953
Folder 195: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, Oct. 2-15, 1953
Folder 196: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Moses Ades, Oct. 17-Nov. 9, 1953
Folder 197: Anita Ades Goldin Papers re: Teaching English Conversation, June 1954, Feb. 1957
Folder 198: Correspondence re: Leah Goldin’s Hospitalization, 1954
Folder 198a: Correspondence in Hebrew from Leah Goldin, Jan. 7-Feb. 5, 1954
Folder 198b: Correspondence in Hebrew from Leah Goldin, Feb. 7-26, 1954
Folder 198c: Correspondence in Hebrew from Leah Goldin, March 3-30, 1954
Folder 198d: Correspondence in Hebrew from Leah Goldin, April 4-May 24, 1954
Folder 198e: Correspondence in Hebrew from Leah Goldin, June 4-25, 1954, Sept. 27, undated
Folder 199: Camp Tall Trees Newsletter and Directory, 1963
Folder 200: Harry Goldin Camp Correspondence, summers of 1964-1965
Folder 201: Harry Goldin Camp Ramah Correspondence, summer 1966
Folder 202: Harry Goldin United Synagogue Youth Pilgrimage to Israel, June 24-July 14, 1970
Folder 203: Harry Goldin United Synagogue Youth Pilgrimage to Israel, July 15-Aug. 13, 1970
Folder 204: Harry Goldin Tel Aviv University Correspondence, summer 1972
Folder 205: Harry Goldin Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1964, 1972-1975
Folder 206: Joyce Goldin Correspondence, undated, 1969-1970
Folder 207: Correspondence to Leah Goldin, ca. 1954-1970, undated
Folder 208: Anita Ades Goldin Correspondence to Albert Goldin, May 15-26, 1975
Folder 209: Anita and Albert Goldin Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959-1973
Folder 210: Anita and Albert Goldin Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1974-2013
Folder 211: Grandchildren Correspondence to Anita and Albert Goldin, ca. 1991-2012
Folder 212: Anita and Albert Goldin Miscellaneous Papers, ca. 1935-1969
Folder 213: Anita and Albert Goldin Miscellaneous Papers, 2005-2012
Folder 214: Celebrity Autographs and Correspondence, 1954-2003
Folder 215: Sara Joyce Goldin Palgy Miscellaneous Papers, 1990-2007
Folder 216: Newspaper Clippings, ca. 1932, 1954-2010
Folder 217: Shalom Tower, 2004-2006
Folder 218: Genealogy, undated, 2010
Folder 219: Postcards of Jewish Figures and Jewish Publication Society Book List, undated
Oversized Folder 220: Ades-Goldin Family Miscellaneous Papers, 1924, 1955, 1996
Subject Headings
Alpha Epsilon Phi – New York.
Antisemitism – Kentucky – Louisville.
Bar mitzvah – Kentucky – Louisville.
Betrothal – United States.
Bialik, Chaim Nachman, 1873-1934.
Body image – Kentucky – Louisville.
Brandeis, Louis Dembitz, 1856-1941.
Civil rights – United States.
Coal trade – Kentucky – Louisville.
Cornell Hillel.
Cornell United Religious Work.
Cornell University.
Dating (Social customs).
Dating (Social customs) – Religious aspects – Judaism.
Depressions – 1929 – Kentucky – Louisville.
Eliahu Academy (Louisville, Ky.).
Emigration and immigration.
Fasts and feasts – Judaism.
Fatherhood – United States.
Finance, Personal.
Foreign bonds.
Freemasons – Kentucky – Louisville.
Greek letter societies – United States.
Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America. Louisville Chapter.
Home economics.
Israel – Description and travel.
Japan – Description and travel.
Japanese American soldiers.
Jewish camps – Kentucky.
Jewish college students.
Jewish families – United States.
Jewish Hospital (Cincinnati, Ohio).
Jewish soldiers – United States.
Jews – Identity.
Jews – Kentucky – Louisville.
Jews – United States.
Korean War, 1950-1953.
Korean War, 1950-1953 – Hospitals.
Louisville Orchestra.
Marriage – Kentucky – Louisville.
Medical care – United States.
Menstruation – Kentucky – Louisville.
Miscarriage – Kentucky – Louisville.
Motherhood – United States.
Parenthood – Kentucky – Louisville.
Rabbis – United States.
Race Relations – United States.
Scottish Rite (Masonic order).
Shaker Heights (Ohio).
Shalom Tower (Louisville, Ky.)
Synagogues – Kentucky – Louisville.
United Nations.
United States. Army.
Weddings – United States.
Wills – Kentucky – Louisville.
Women college students – United States.
Women volunteers – Kentucky – Louisville.
World War, 1914-1918 – Kentucky.
World War, 1939-1945 – Kentucky.
Young Men’s Hebrew Association (Louisville, Ky.)
Zionism – Kentucky – Louisville.