Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association Records, 1838-1922
Held by The Filson Historical Society
Creator: Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association
Title: Records, 1838-1922
Rights: For information regarding literary and copyright interest for these papers, contact the Collections Department.
Size of Collection: 7.5 cubic feet
Location Number: Mss. BM L888fv
Scope and Content Note
Includes records of the Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7, the Jefferson Hose Co.; Hope Fire Co.; and the Mechanic Fire Co., No. 1. Their records span the years, 1838-1860, and consist of minute books, roll books, and accounts. Records, 1852-1922, of the Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association include roll books; accounts; minute books; lists of surviving members of old fire companies; visitors’ registers; invoices and receipts; miscellaneous printed material; and accounts of the organization of Richmond, Virginia’s and New Orleans, Louisiana’s fire departments.
Folder List
Box 1
1 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 correspondence, 1842-1859.
2 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1839 Mar. 8-1841 Dec.30.
2a Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1842 Jan. 1-1844 Feb.2.
3 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1844 Dec. 4-1851 Oct.8.
4 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1852 Jan. 1-1852 Nov.3.
5 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1853 Jan. 1-1853 Nov.17.
6 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1854 Jan. 18-1855 Sept.1.
7 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1856 Jan. 1-Dec. 1.
8 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 receipted bills, 1857 Jan. 1-1858 Dec.13.
9 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 Constitution of Mechanical Library Association of Mechanical Fire Co., Baltimore, Md., 1856 Sept. 10.
10 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 miscellaneous materials.
Box 2
11 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 documents relating to management of the company, 1846 Oct. 10-1853 Sept. 17.
12 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 documents relating to management of the company, 1854 Jan. 4- Dec. 7.
13 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 documents relating to management of the company, 1855 Jan. 31-Dec. 15.
14 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 documents relating to management of the company, list of magazines in Washington Library Association, 1856 Feb. 5-Dec. 4.
15 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 documents relating to management of the company, 1857 Jan. 19-Dec. 28.
16 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 documents relating to management of the company, 1858 Jan. 4- 1860 Apr. 6.
16a Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 committee and officers reports, 1843 May-1854 Dec.
16b Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 committee and officers reports, 1855 Oct.-1859 Jan.
17 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 letters of resignation, 1854 Jan. 4-Nov. 4.
Box 3
18 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association correspondence, 1900 July 14-1901Sept. 8.
19 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association committee reports, 1900-1901.
20 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association receipted bills, 1900 Jan. 5- June 30.
21 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association receipted bills, 1900 July 1-Nov. 1.
22 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association receipted bills, 1901 Jan. 3-June 20.
23 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association receipted bills, reports, list of members, 1914 Aug. 1-1919 Aug. 16.
24 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association list of hat sizes, 1900-1901.
25 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association records: American Eagle Fire Co.,1855; Jefferson Fire Co., n.d.; Union Fire Co., 1843; and United Fire Co., 1856.
26 Silver badge of Henry A. Sinking, engine driver of Steam Fire Dept., No. 4,1861 Jan.
27 Veteran Volunteers Firemen’s Association miscellaneous printed matter.
Box 4
1 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 index book, n.d.
2 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 subscription list for new engine, 1849and other accounts, 1855.
3 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 minutes, 1857-1860.
4 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 roll, accounts, locations of fires, 1838-1842.
5 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 roll book, members and honorary members, 1842-1859.
6 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 roll in 1845; records of members and locations of fires.
7 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 roll book and dates of fires, 1853 Dec.-1857 Apr.
8 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 roll book, 1855 Oct.-1858 Sept.
9 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 roll book, 1859 Mar. 3-Sept. 1.
10 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 certificate of membership, 184?andnewspaper clippings with a list of donors for a new fire engine.
11 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 check book with receipted stubs,1849 Apr. 5-1855 Apr. 11.
12 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 treasurer’s receipts, 1851 Apr. 2-1854Dec. 7.
13 Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 secretary’s report on members; fires,1839 Mar. 7-1857 Jan. 1.
13a Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 rough minute book, 1849 Apr. 5-1852 June 23.
13b Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association minute book, 1895 Nov. 21-1901Dec. 5. Also includes constitution and by-laws.
13c Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 record book, 1838 May 16-1852Nov. 25.
13d Washington Independent Fire Co., No. 7 record book, 1852 Dec. 2-1860Mar. 8.
14 Jefferson Hose Co. account book, 1847-1848.
15 Jefferson Hose Co. roll book, 1857.
15a Jefferson Hose Co. No. 7 minute book, 1856 July 11-1858 Jan. 15.
16 Mechanic Fire Co. No. 1 roll book, 1853 Apr.-1857 Dec. 4.
16a Mechanic Fire Co. No. 1 minute book including records of fires, 1846 Nov. 30-1858 June 2.
17 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association minute book, 1911-1921.
17a Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association records, 1852-1903.
17b Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association minute book, 1902-1911.
18 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association roll book, 1895-1903.
19 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association roll book, 1897-1908.
20 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association roll book, 1897-1910.
21 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association roll book, 1900-1920
22 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association list of surviving members of fire companies, 1909.
23 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association visitors’ register, 1908-1911.
24 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association visitors’ register, 1919-1922.
25 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association receipts and disbursements, 1900-1920.
26 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association bills, 1900-1916.
27 Veteran Volunteer Firemen’s Association bills, 1903-1915.