Jewish Community of Louisville Photograph Collection, ca. 1910-2022

Held by The Filson Historical Society

Creator: Jewish Community of Louisville

Title: Photograph Collection, ca. 1910-2022

Rights: For information regarding literary and copyright interest for these papers, contact the Collections Department.

Size of Collection: 4 cubic feet

Location Number: 022PC1

Scope and Content Note

This collection consists of photographs relating to the Jewish community of Louisville, Kentucky. Most of the photographs document activities, events, and individuals associated with the Jewish Community Center (JCC) and the Jewish Community Federation of Louisville, two organizations that merged in 2009 to form the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. (JCL). Also included in the collection are photographs relating to the predecessors of the JCC and the Federation, Louisville synagogues, and other local Jewish organizations and entities.

Folders 1-58 contain photographs relating to JCC and its predecessor, the Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA). Dating from ca. 1910-1955 are photographs of YMHA facilities, athletics, and social and educational activities. Covering the years before and after 1955, when the JCC on Dutchmans Lane opened and the YMHA closed, are photographs of fundraising and groundbreaking for the new JCC, United Service Organizations (USO) events, Heritage Theatre plays and actor headshots, summer camps, and senior activities at the YMHA and JCC. The rest of the photographs document events and activities at the JCC through the early 2020s.

Folders 59-75 contain photographs relating to the Jewish Community Federation of Louisville and miscellaneous Jewish community events from the 1960s through the early 2000s. Included are photographs of Federation leaders, meetings, awards, United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and United Jewish Campaign (UJC) events, group trips to Washington, D.C., the New Americans programs, and plaques and art works.

Folders 76-79 hold photographs documenting Community Relations Council (CRC) events from the 1970s-1990s, such as Model Seders and a Catholic Teachers Institute on Judaism.

Folders 80-91 hold photographs documenting the artists and art works of the art show “Creativity under Duress: From Gulag to Glasnost,” held in Louisville in 1989. The show was organized by Laurel Garron, chair of the CRC committees on Soviet Jewry and Classics in Context. It featured the work of Russian Jewish artists calling themselves the Aleph Group, who had held an avant-garde art show in Leningrad in 1975 and reunited at the Louisville exhibit.

Folders 92-107 contain photographs relating to Louisville synagogues and other local Jewish entities from the 1930s through the early 2000s. Included are photographs of individuals and events of Adath Jeshurun, Anshai Sfard, Keneseth Israel, The Temple – Congregational Adath Israel Brith Sholom, Temple Shalom, Louisville Hebrew School, Eliahu Academy, B’nai B’rith Louisville Lodge No. 14, Boy Scout Troop 30, National Council of Jewish Women, Jewish Hospital, Jewish Family and Vocational Service, Four Courts, and Shalom Tower.

Folders 108-141 and digital materials contain group and individual photographs of members of Louisville’s Jewish community. Also included are photographs of Jewish individuals from other parts of the United States and from Israel, and of non-Jewish individuals and politicians from Louisville and Kentucky. Many photographs were used for the newspapers Kentucky Jewish Post and Opinion and Community. See the attached spreadsheet for the list of names of individuals pictured.

Photographers include Gus Frank, Sam Hinerfeld, the Royal Photo Company, Charley Pence, Gene Gilpin, Patrick Pfister, Louisville Courier-Journal, Louisville Times, and Robert Burge.

Related Collections

Oversize subject photographs separated from the JCL Photograph Collection:

Louisville Hebrew School, ca. 1910s-1920s [SCH-158]

YMHA softball and baseball teams, 1919 [SPR/BB-50], 1950 [SPR/BB-51]

YMHA Reps basketball teams, 1919-1920 [SPR/BK-4], 1921-1922 [SPR/BK-5]

YMHA track team, 1920 [SPR/TR-4]

Fencing class at the JCC, ca. 1950s-1970s [SPR/MI-2]

“The Center of Our Lives” photo collage of children at the JCC, ca. 1970s [GRI-52]

Israel in the Park at the JCC, 26 April 1998 [GRI-53]

Company of “Bernie’s Bar Mitzvah,’ CenterStage Theatre, March 1998 [THE-27]

JCC Maccabi teams, ca. 1990s [SPR/MI-3], 1996 [SPR/MI-4], 2000 [SPR/MI-5]

Jewish Community of Louisville Records, 1896-2022 (bulk: 1980-2020) [Mss. BD J59].

Jewish Community of Louisville Museum Collection [2022.16.1-4].

Jewish Family and Vocational Service (Louisville, Ky.) Records, 1938-1010 [Mss. BJ J59].

Jewish Hospital (Louisville, Ky.) Records, 1905-2008 [Mss. BF J59].

Serials in the Filson Library Collection: YMHA Chronicler, Spokesman, Kentucky Jewish Post and Opinion, and Community.


Historical Note

The Louisville Conference of Jewish Organizations was formed in 1934. In 1971, the Conference was reorganized and renamed the Jewish Community Federation of Louisville. The Federation served as the central coordinating and planning organization for the local Jewish community. Local entities and partners affiliated with or receiving support from the Federation included those mentioned below:

  • The Jewish Community Center (JCC) opened on Dutchmans Lane in 1955, replacing the Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA) that was incorporated in 1890 and located at First Street and then at Second and Jacob. Louisville’s YMHA/JCC is the third oldest Jewish community center in continuous existence in the county. Camp Ricaree was a day camp at the YMHA that later moved to the JCC. Some of the overnight summer camps run by the JCC were Camp Tall Trees and Camp Ben Washer.
  • The Jewish Family and Vocational Service (JFVS) was formed in 1978 when the Jewish Vocational Service, established in 1943, merged with the Jewish Social Service Agency, established in 1908 as the Federation of Jewish Charities and later renamed the Jewish Welfare Foundation in 1918. In 2008, the name of JFVS was changed to Jewish Family and Career Services (JFCS).
  • The Louisville Hebrew School (Talmud Torah) was established in the early twentieth century as a community-sponsored supplementary school, offering Hebrew-only religious instruction to pupils from Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox families. It was later run by the Bureau of Jewish Education, which was formed in 1948. The Louisville Hebrew School celebrated its centennial in 2010.
  • Eliahu Academy, Louisville’s Jewish community day school, opened in 1953 and closed in 2008.
  • The High School of Jewish Studies was established in 1976 and offers supplementary classes to Jewish high school students.
  • In the 1980s, the Bureau of Jewish Education was renamed the Jewish Education Association (JEA), which oversaw the Louisville Hebrew School, the High School of Jewish Studies, the Israel T. Naamani Library, and the Jewish Resource Center.
  • In 1991, the Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE) was formed by the merger of JEA and Eliahu Academy.
  • The Florence Melton School of Adult Jewish Learning was established in Louisville in the late 1990s as part of an international curriculum for adult Jewish learners.
  • Louisville Beit Sefer Yachad (LBSY) offers Hebrew and Jewish studies to Jewish children in kindergarten through eighth grade and, as of 2022, was supported by Congregation Adath Jeshurun, Keneseth Israel Congregation, and Temple Shalom.
  • Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, also known as Hillel International or Hillel, is the largest Jewish campus organization in the world. Louisville’s B’nai B’rith Hillel was established in 1973 for Jewish college students and housed in the Interfaith Center at the University of Louisville.
  • Jewish Hospital opened in Louisville in 1905 and moved to a larger facility at Brook and Chestnut Streets in 1955. The hospital became part of Jewish Hospital HealthCare Services (JHHCS) in the 1980s, and then Jewish Hospital and St. Mary’s HealthCare in 2005. Another merger in 2012 put Jewish Hospital under the control of KentuckyOne Health. UofL Health purchased Jewish Hospital in 2019.
  • Four Courts Louisville Hebrew Home was incorporated in 1946. In 1983, JHHCS bought Four Courts with the financial assistance of the Federation. Four Courts was sold in 2007 to Jewish Hospital and St. Mary’s HealthCare, and later to Signature HealthCare. At this point, the institution ended its long history as a Jewish-run facility.
  • In 1976, the Federation set up a Council on Aging to respond to the needs of Jewish senior adults. Federal funding was secured from the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the establishment of Shalom Tower, which opened as an apartment complex for older adults on Dutchmans Lane next to the JCC in 1979. Shalom Tower was sold to Urban Innovations in 2005-2006.
  • The National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council (NJCRAC) was established in 1944 by the Council of Jewish Federations. It is made up of independent community councils across the country, including Louisville’s Jewish Community Relations Council (CRC), formed in 1957 as the Federation’s Community Relations Committee. The CRC provides a public voice of Louisville Jewry on such issues as religion and prayer in public schools and in public places, anti-Semitism, civil rights, Soviet Jewry, and advocacy for Israel.

In 2009, the Federation and JCC merged to create the Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc. As of 2022, the JCL includes the Jewish Federation of Louisville, the Jewish Community Center of Louisville, the Jewish Foundation of Louisville, the Jewish Community Relations Council, Hillel, and Community, Louisville’s Jewish newspaper.


Carol Ely, Jewish Louisville: Portrait of a Community (2003)

Clarence F. Judah, Unity in Community 40: The Jewish Community Federation of Louisville (1974)

Herman Landau, Adath Louisville: The Story of a Jewish Community (1981)

Jewish Community of Louisville,


Folder List

Box 1

Young Men’s Hebrew Association (YMHA) and Jewish Community Center (JCC)

Folder 1: YMHA original building at First between Walnut and Chestnut, ca. early 1910s

Folder 2: YMHA athletics and activities, ca. 1911-1930s

Includes photos of track team; volleyball; marathon race; men’s and women’s gym classes; folk dancing class

Folder 3: YMHA men’s and women’s basketball, ca. 1920s-1930s

Folder 4: YMHA baseball and softball, athletic chairs and director, ca. 1920s-1950s

Includes photos of softball teams; Bernard Rosenblum, Maurice Richlin, Tony Levitan

Folder 5: YMHA activities, ca. 1910s-1920s

Includes photos of USO dance; library; Menorah club; embroidery club; knitting and sewing class; mothers and daughters banquet; Kadimah gathering; Kismet club

Folder 6: YMHA activities, ca. 1930s

Includes photos of front desk; Rabbi Joseph Rauch; AZA dinner; YMHA Brownie pack

Folder 7: YMHA activities, ca. 1940s

Includes photos of war bonds sale; dances; Detinu Club; Hadassah meeting

Folder 8: YMHA/JCC children and youth, ca. 1940s-1950s

Includes photos of arts and crafts; AZA 107

Folder 9: YMHA/JCC men’s and women’s basketball, ca. 1940s-1950s

Folder 10: YMHA/JCC facilities and activities, ca. 1940s-1950s

Includes photos of the library; Majorettes; racquetball; female bowlers; Kindergarten children celebrating Tu B’Shevat

Folder 11: JCC fundraising, ca. 1950s-1960s

Folder 12: JCC purchase of property on Dutchmans Lane and groundbreaking, early 1950s

Folder 13: Miscellaneous groups, meetings, events, ca. 1950s-1960s

Includes photos of Community Chest workers; Mayor Andrew Broaddus; rabbis

Folder 14: Jewish Welfare Board (JWB) and United Service Organizations (USO), 1940s-1960s

Folder 15: USO dances and events at the YMHA/JCC, ca. 1940s-1960s

Folder 16: USO meals for Ft. Knox soldiers at the YMHA/JCC, ca. 1950s-1970s

Folder 17: YMHA/JCC Heritage Theatre actor headshots, A-K, ca. 1940s-1960s

Folder 18: YMHA/JCC Heritage Theatre actor headshots, L-Z, ca. 1940s-1960s

Folder 19: YMHA camp on the river, ca. 1930s

Folder 20: Camp Tall Trees, ca. 1940s-1960s, and Camp Ben Washer, ca. 1970s

Folder 21: Camp Ricaree, ca. 1970s

Includes photos of Mark Wolff, Tony Mann, Shelley Spivak, Susan Rosenberg, Danny Rothstein, Allison Fox, Elise Wolff, Benji Shaikun, Jeff Schwartz, Amy Samuel, Joan Epstein, Lee Jay Weinberg

Folder 22: Youth activities, ca. 1960s-1970s

Includes photos of Rauch AZA skit night; Purim pastry workshop; physical education; horseback riding; drama; JCC camp counselor Mark Wolff; young men playing pool; Nancy Oppen, Josie Zeeman, Linda Baer; dance performance; choir; young women by pool; quiz bowl; Young Judaea Tu B’Shevat ceremony; Lynn Strauss, Julia Goff, and Leann Rouben dressed up as dreidels for Chanukah, 1973

Folder 23: Groups of children and teenagers, ca. 1960s-1970s

Includes photos of Romeo-Juliet Ball, 1964; campers; counselors identified as Sandy Berman, Steve Snow, Henry Weber, Randy Spivak, David Berman, Sheldon Yoffe

Folder 24: Adult sports, ca. 1960s-1980s

Includes photos of fencing; basketball; racquetball; volleyball; tennis

Folder 25: United Jewish Campaign and JCC volunteers, ca. 1960s-1980s

Folder 26: JCC and Bureau of Jewish Education book fair, 1960s

Folder 27: JCC facilities, 1950s-1960s

Includes photos of the YMHA cornerstone; swimming pool; tennis court and outdoor handball court; health club; gym; back of snack bar; teen lounge and game room

Folder 28: JCC facilities, ca. 1970s-1990s

Includes photos of front of building; aerial views; flood of 1988; construction of outdoor lap pool; playground; groundbreaking for addition

Folder 29: Youth baseball, softball, swimming, diving, and water ballet, ca. 1950s-1970s

Folder 30: Youth and high school basketball, ca. 1960s-1980s

Folder 31: Miscellaneous youth athletics, ca. 1960s-1980s

Includes photos of karate; diving; gymnastics; soccer; football; racquetball; fencing

Folder 32: Youth sports teams, ca. 1980s, 2001

Folder 33: Youth and adult sports awards, ca. 1960s-1980s

Includes photos of tennis and soccer awards; Carol Berman award; Ray Baer cup


Box 2

Folder 34: YMHA/JCC staff, ca. 1940s-1980s

Includes photos of Ronetta Meyer; Pauline Pearson; John Paul Jones; Aaron Schreben and Joe Kaplan

Folder 35: YMHA/JCC orchestra, ca. 1940s-1990s

Includes photos of orchestra rehearsal; Roland Vamos; Almita Hyman-Vamos; Irving Ilmer; Leon Fuchs; Rubin Sher; Peter McHugh; Louis Moseson and senior musicians of the Kling Chamber Orchestra

Folder 36: YMHA/JCC Drama/Heritage Theatre, ca. 1940s-1960s

Includes photos of “Outward Bound”; “You Can’t Take It with You”; “The Willow and I”; “The Jazz Singer”; “The Gioconda Smile”

Folder 37: JCC Drama/Heritage Theatre, ca. 1960s-1990s

Includes photos of “Fiddler on the Roof”; makeup class

Folder 38: YMHA/JCC dance, 1950s-1970s

Includes photos of dance teacher Selma Erlen; modern dance recital “The Dybbuk”; “Keep N Trim” show for WHAS-TV

Folder 39: YMHA/JCC Golden Age Club/Club 60 and senior activities, ca. 1940s-1980s

Includes photos of a Purim play

Folder 40: Jewish Community Center album, ca. 1987

Includes photos of renovation of the JCC

Folder 41: JCC awards, ca. 1950s-1990s

Folder 42: Ottenheimer award, ca. 1950s-1970s, 2000

Includes photograph of Boris and Naomi Pressma

Folder 43: Harold Berg mosaics at the JCC and other locations, ca. 1960s-1980s

Folder 44: Sports hall of fame and Maccabiah games, ca. 1995-2002

Folder 45: JCC miscellaneous events and activities, ca. 1960s-1970s

Includes photos of Jacques Wolff, Ed Shaikun; Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel; mother-daughter banquet; JCC annual meeting; teenage visitors from Mexico; Stuart Handmaker presenting Jewish calendar; women’s leadership training course; Arthur Kling speaking to Jewish Welfare Board (JWB); 75th anniversary of the JCC; choir; Denise Wolff; “Flame of freedom for the American hostages in Iran”

Folder 46: JCC miscellaneous events, ca. 1980s-1990s

Includes photos of Giaora Feidman Trio; JCC self study commission; Robert Rosenthal; “We Stand with Israel”; Yom HaShoah Holocaust event; Fred Joseph and John Lewis; swimming pool; fencing; musicians; art events; acculturation events; Jane Greenebaum and David Kling at dedication of the senior adult lounge; Israeli pop group Habibi at the Jerusalem 25 celebration; Alan Dershowitz lecture, 1997; trip for Russian Jews, 1997; Aaron Schreiber receiving executive director plaque

Folder 47: JCC miscellaneous youth events and activities, ca. 1980s-1990s

Folder 48: JCC miscellaneous youth events and activities, ca. 1990-2001

Includes photos of youth camps; Girls Conference; BBYO

Folder 49: JCC grand opening, 1997

Folder 50: Israel in the Park, 1998-2000

Folder 51: Horse racing/Night at the Races fundraisers, 1998 and undated

Folder 52: JCC youth activities, ca. 2000-2001

Includes photos of summer camp; art; sports; BBYO; youth performances

Folder 53: Students Offering Service (SOS), ca. 1998-2002

Folder 54: JCC miscellaneous events, 1998

Includes photos of JCC renovation; Sukkot; Image and Identity Jewish film festival; annual meeting; “Expressions” art exhibit; “Bernie’s Bar Mitzvah” production

Folder 55: JCC miscellaneous events and activities, ca. 1999-2000

Includes photos of JCC annual meeting; trip for Russian Jews; Dr. Ruth at the JCC; “Schreiber Tribute”; senior meal in the JCC sukkah; golf outing

Folder 56: JCC miscellaneous events and activities, ca. 2001-2002

Includes photos of JCC annual fundraising meeting; HPER (Health Physical Education and Recreation); senior activities; Jewish Community Family Life (JCFL); awards ceremony; arts and culture; Jewish Heritage Day; JCC annual meeting

Folder 57: JCC miscellaneous activities, 2001

Includes photos of community service camp; summer activities; cheerleading; youth camp; youth sports; teen and adult sports

Folder 58: New JCC building, 2020s

Includes photograph of presidents of JCC and Federation at closing of old building and walking to the new one, 2021


Box 3

Jewish Community Federation of Louisville

Folder 59: Federation events, 1960s-2000s

Includes photos of presentation of check to Morris Kling for Jerusalem Y, 1962; the 30th anniversary of the Louisville Conference of Jewish Organizations, 1964; Naomi Pressma, Lewis Cole, and F. R. Rosenbaum honored for leadership, 1973; Ed Goldberg, Allen Solomon, Henry Shapira, ca. 1980s; Rabbi Stanley Miles, Rabbi Leonard Divine, Toni Goldman, ca. 1980s; Parchment of Promise for Foundation for Planned Giving, 1993; L’Dor V’Dor award ceremony, 1994; Conference on Aging awards, 1998; Partnership 2000; Rabbi Robert Slosberg, Stuart Goldberg, Jane Goldstein at event, ca. 2000s

Folder 60: Federation and Jewish community leadership and committees, ca.1960s-1990s

Includes photos of Norbert Fruehauf; Al Erlen, Lewis Cole, Fanny Rose Rosenbaum, Dr. Irvin Rosenbaum, Frank Judd; Frank Fogelman; Women’s Committee; strategic planning retreat; Council of Jewish Federations VP Martin Kraar meeting with Federation board; Lewis Cole; Betty Pohn and demographic study committee; Federation annual meetings

Folder 61: United Jewish Appeal (UJA) and United Jewish Campaign (UJC), 1960s-1990s

Includes photos of Special Gifts, 1968; women representing Louisville as Kentucky Belles at UJA conference, ca. 1970s; Aviva Motchnick and Dr. Fred Seifer address Physicians Division, undated and 1982; Men’s Major Gifts steering committee; Judi Sherman and Miriam Goldberg; Telethon chairwomen and chairmen; Freedom Sunday rally, 1990; Operation Exodus, 1991; King David Society dinner, 1997

Folder 62: UJC Million Dollar Dinner with George Will, 1986

Folder 63: Women’s Division, 1970s-2001

Includes photos of service project and Ethiopian Jews speaker, 1997-1998

Folder 64: Young Adult Division (YAD) events, ca. 1980s-2000s

Includes photos of Young Women’s, Young Men’s, and Young Men’s Business and Professional Division events

Folder 65: YAD and Young Leader Division (YLD) events, 1990s-2000s

Includes photos of Newcomers events; YAD Black and White party; Ben Gurion event

Folder 66: Major Gifts dinners, 1990s

Includes photos of Wolff Blitzer; Elie Wiesel

Folder 67: Super Sunday, 1989-2001

Folder 68: Women’s philanthropy, 1997-1999

Includes photos of Pomegranate Division of UJC; Lions of Judah

Folder 69: Missions, ca. 1978-1992

Includes photos of UJC roots mission to New York; “Mission of a Lifetime” trip; trip to Israel, 1980; Community photo of Yad Vashem: The World Holocaust Remembrance Center in Israel, 1992

Folder 70: Washington D.C. trips, ca. 1980s-2000s

Includes photos of March for Soviet Jewry; Israeli Embassy Minister of Information, Harry Hurwitz, addresses the Louisville delegation in the Senate building; Washington CRC chair briefs Louisville women at Soviet embassy; Rev. Stanley Schmidt, Farrell Salzman, Rabbi Solomon Roodman; young leadership conference participants; YAD Washington trip; Sen. Edward Kennedy with AIPAC interns Julie Bergman and Lauren Strauss; visit to Sen. Wendell Ford’s office; Lion of Judah (LOJ) Washington mission, Elise Essig, Gayle Rodgers, Denise Schuller, Ann Hertzman, Sander Linker; Panim-el-Panim Kentucky Kesher

Folder 71: New Americans program, ca. 1979-1990s

Includes photos of Isabella Gotlib, Al Cheistwer, Rauf Kadimov, Judy Lipmann, Nataly Asatiany, Sister Mary Schmuck, Lisa Dwyer, Susan Klempner (hospital education at Jewish Hospital), Victor and Tamara Zaft (medical imaging at Jewish Hospital), Tatyana Foox (patient accounting at Jewish Hospital), Valentina Blincherskaya, Svetlana Ivashina, Yergeniy Gamburg

Folder 72: Art and plaques, ca. 1950s-1990s

Includes photos of J. Graham Brown Foundation plaque at the JCC; 1955 JCC plaque; Israeli sculpture at JCC; plaque listing 1988 JCC renovation and expansion benefactors; Weisberg Tree of Life by Barney Bright; Solinger art donation; Perelmuter gate donation at JCC; Julius Friedman and Mike Sloane poster for “A Time to Remember,” 1995; Sam Gilliam and Charles and Marlene Weisberg standing in front of Gilliam’s paintings at the Speed Museum, 1995

Folder 73: Jewish community events, 1980s-2000s

Includes photos of signing of Twinning agreement between the Louisville and Montpelier, France, Jewish community centers; Yom HaShoah events, some at Keneseth Israel; Marty Weinberg and Marty Ruby present Slugger bat to violinist Itzhat Perlman;  Debbie Friedman event at The Temple; women’s event at “The Paint Spot”; Martin Luther King, Jr., celebration

Folder 74: Louisville Jewish community event for Mikhail Gorbachev, 1995

Folder 75: Miscellaneous events, ca. 1960s-2000s

Includes photos of Arthur Kling and Selma Kling at March on Frankfort, 1964; ROAR reading program, 1998-1999; Million Mom March, 2000


Community Relations Council

Folder 76: Community Relations Council (CRC) miscellaneous events, ca. 1980s-1990s

Includes photos of Gov. John Y. Brown, Yom HaShoa proclamation ceremony; Holocaust awareness lecture; Gov. Martha Layne Collins signing resolution declaring “Oppressed People’s Week”; Rabbi Stanley Miles; Fr. Stanley Schmidt, Frankye Klein Gordon; Temple Shalom Choir at Yom HaShoah; Ethiopian airlift event with Mollo Mengisto; Council on Peacemaking; Holocaust Memorial at JCC; World Culture Bazaar; March of the Living; Israeli Consul Dan Ashbel and Rabbi Joe Rapport; CRC Candidates Forum; visit by Israel’s mayors

Folder 77: Jewish Heritage weekend, 1978-1979, and kosher food booth, 1985

Folder 78: Model Seders, ca. 1990s-2000s

Folder 79: CRC teacher institutes and trips, ca. 1980s-1990s

Includes photos of Catholic Teachers Institutes; Federation trip for teachers to Holocaust Museum


“Creativity under Duress” Art Show

Folder 80: Creativity under Duress artists in Louisville, 1989

Folder 81: Eugene Abeshaus headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 82: Anatoly Basin headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 83: Leonid Bolmat headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 84: Aleksandr Gurevich headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 85: Yuri Kalendarez headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 86: Tatyana Kornfeld headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 87: Aleksandr Manusov headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 88: Aleksandr Okun headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 89: Sima Ostrovsky headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 90: Alek Rapoport headshots and artwork, 1989

Folder 91: Olga Schmuilovich headshots and artwork, 1989, includes print of artwork


Louisville Jewish Synagogues, Schools, and Organizations

Folder 92: Adath Jeshurun, ca. 1950s-1990s

Includes photos of Rabbi Simcha Kling; Mayor Frank Burke; Cantor Marshall Portnoy and Dr. Jane Portnoy; Harriet Waldman, teacher; AJ fundraiser with Ed Koch at the Derby Museum; renovation of small chapel; Ramah campers from AJ; Purim Ball

Folder 93: Anshai Sfard, ca. 1950s

Includes photos of Rabbi Solomon Roodman, Mindy Steinberg, Eilene Meyer, Beth Habermann

Folder 94: Keneseth Israel, ca. 1930s-1970s

Includes photos of Sunday School students and adults in front of Keneseth Israel, ca. 1930s-1950s; Sunday School graduating class, ca. 1951; Keneseth Israel Religious School, ca. 1970s; Lily Dresser, 1980

Folder 95: The Temple – Congregation Adath Israel Brith Sholom, ca. 1940s-2007

Includes photos of Jean Hartzman, Sadie Baer, Beth Abrams, and Karen Fish; Adath Israel 3rd St. Couples Club with Rabbi and Mrs. Herbert Waller, Rabbi and Mrs. Joseph Rauch; Temple Brith Sholom confirmation classes of 1965 and 1966; Zehava Naamani leading Temple Youth Choir; Rabbis Samuel Karff, Herbert Waller, Chester Diamond, Leonard Devine; James Hertzman; Rabbis Rapport and Diamond lead a Seder for Black and Jewish participants; Senior University; Rabbi Diamond’s retirement party

Folder 96: Temple Shalom, ca. 1980s-1990s

Includes photos of dedication of Temple on Taylorsville Rd.; David Kling, Rabbi Irving P. Glickman, Rabbi Stanley Miles, Dan Maron, Rabbi Robert Slosberg at planning for building of Temple Shalom; Milton Greenbaum, David Kling, Frances Wexler, Rabbi Stanley Miles at groundbreaking at 4615 Lowe Rd; David Kling installing Ark at Temple Shalom; Temple Shalom confirmation class trip to New York City

Folder 97: B’nai B’rith Louisville Lodge No. 14, ca. 1940s-1990s

Includes photos of Fort Knox soldiers; bowling league banquet, 1947; B’nai B’rith person of the year, 1990s

Folder 98: Boy Scout Troop 30, ca. 1930s-1990s

Includes photos of Boy Scout troop at YMHA; Scoutmaster, David Kling; Chad Yussman and Josh Neely; Milton Metz of WHAS awarding Eagle Scout rank

Folder 99: National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), ca. 1930s-2000

Includes photos of Jewish Hospital sewing circle; Jewish Children’s Convalescent Home and Preschool; toy workshop; Shellie Benovitz and Jane Weinberg at Nearly New Store; Moonlighters, 1980; Senator Wendell Ford, Marcia Roth; Rita Steinberg; Jerry Abramson at ribbon cutting for NCJW Parkside; Betty Pohn, Anne Bronner, and Ellen Rosenbloom after Fashion Encore sale, 1991; Jr. Council, 1995; NCJW annual meeting, 2000

Folder 100: Jewish Hospital, ca. 1930s-2000s

Includes photos of Jewish Hospital Hostess project; Caufield and Shook photo of child in bed at original Jewish Hospital; Dr. Gerald Temes, Dr. Robert Falk, and Dr. Ronald Madden; ribbon cutting for the new Garon Lifestyle Center; Rudd Heart Lung Center dedication and Mezuzah affixing, ca. 1995; Louis Bryant; dedication of the University of Louisville-Jewish Hospital surgical teaching endowment, 1990; JHHS meetings and volunteer event, 1995-1999; Jewish Hospital President Doug Shaw

Folder 101: Jewish Family and Vocational Service (JFVS), ca. 1970s-2000

Includes photos of Judy Freundlich Tiell and Karen Abrams; Sue Eichenberger, Marilyn Bornstein, and Lauren Kerr; Lillian Seligman and Dr. Jeff Weiss; Lowell Katz; Ken Grossman; Ed Weinberg; staff; “New Americans” program; annual meeting; microenterprise class; building fund kickoff; construction and dedication of new JFVS building, 2000

Folder 102: Four Courts Louisville Hebrew Home, ca. 1949-2002

Includes photos of Carl Helman, Hugo Taustine, Sol Goldberg, Herman Handmaker, Frank Fleischaker, and Fred Switow, 1949; executive director Pamela Hardin Borst; Naomi Pressma and Boris Pressma; Toni Goldman, Frank Lipschutz, and Mike Shaikun

Folder 103: Shalom Tower, 1979-1999

Includes photos of Shalom Tower, 1979; first president of residents council, Harry Simon and other 20-year residents, Mikhala Zalishansky, Shulin Mechetner, Nettie Rudavsky, Faye Applebaum, Sharlot Lutnick; Shalom Tower board, 1999


Box 4

Folder 104: Louisville Hebrew School, ca. 1920s-2002

Includes photos of group of students outside building; Rabbi Joseph Salzman and students; “Return to Louisville Hebrew School, 208 E. Walnut”; graduating classes of 1932, 1939, and 1997; Model Seder at Four Courts, 1981; graduation at the JCC, 1981; graduation class, 1993; Rabbi Stanley Miles with students

Folder 105: Eliahu Academy, ca. 1950s-1990s

Includes photos of Greg and Barbara Nefouse (principal at Eliahu); students and classes; events; checker tournament, Russian students; dedication of building at 3819 Bardstown Rd., 1983; Chanukah, 1990

Folder 106: Jewish education organizations and High School of Jewish Studies, ca. 1980s-1990s

Includes photos of Bureau of Jewish Education, 1980; educators Elie Topcik, Anita Reider, and Edith Kling; Jewish Education Association (JEA); sign for Central Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE); Hillel Seder, 1993; High School of Jewish Studies, 1995

Folder 107: Miscellaneous Jewish organizations, ca. 1920s-2000s

Includes photos of Jewish children’s home, ca. 1920s-1940s; Hadassah; Louisville Vaad HaKashrut; color negative of the Louisville Board of Rabbis and Cantors, early 2000s



Folder 108: Groups, ca. 1960s-1980s

Folder 109: Groups, ca. 1980s-2000s


Individuals, arranged alphabetically by surname

See the attached spreadsheet for the list of names of individuals pictured.

Folder 110: Individuals, A

Folder 111: Individuals, Ba-Bel

Folder 112: Individuals, Ben-Berk

Folder 113: Individuals, Berm-By

Folder 114: Individuals, Ca-Cl

Folder 115: Individuals, Co-Cu

Folder 116: Individuals, D

Folder 117: Individuals, E

Folder 118: Individuals, Fa-Fl

Folder 119: Individuals, Fo-Fu

Folder 120: Individuals, Ga-Gl

Folder 121: Individuals, Gol

Folder 122: Individuals, Gon-Gra

Folder 123: Individuals, Gre-Gu

Folder 124: Individuals, Ha

Folder 125: Individuals, Hei

Folder 126: Individuals, Hel-Hy

Folder 127: Individuals, I-J

Folder 128: Individuals, K

Folder 129: Individuals, La-Le

Folder 130: Individuals, Li-Ly

Folder 131: Individuals, M

Folder 132: Individuals, N-O

Folder 133: Individuals, P

Folder 134: Individuals, R

Folder 135: Individuals, Sa-Sc

Folder 136: Individuals, Se-Sl

Folder 137: Individuals, Sm-Sw

Folder 138: Individuals, T-V

Folder 139: Individuals, W

Folder 140: Individuals, Y-Z


Digital materials

Folder 141: Community photos and miscellaneous JCL records and images, USB hard drive (these files are not yet available to researchers)


Subject Headings

African Americans – Civil rights – Kentucky.

Art – Exhibitions.

Athletics – Kentucky – Louisville.

Eliahu Academy (Louisville, Ky.)

Fort Knox (Ky.)

Four Courts Louisville Hebrew Home.

Fund raising – Kentucky – Louisville.

Hillel International.

Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945).

Immigrants – Employment – Kentucky – Louisville.

Immigrants – Jews – United States.

Immigrants – Services for – Kentucky – Louisville.

Interfaith worship – Kentucky – Louisville.

Jewish American newspapers – Kentucky.

Jewish athletes – Kentucky – Louisville.

Jewish camps – Kentucky.

Jewish Community Center (Louisville, Ky.)

Jewish Community Center Orchestra (Louisville, Ky.).

Jewish community centers – Kentucky – Louisville.

Jewish Community Federation of Louisville.

Jewish Community Relations Council (Louisville, Ky.)

Jewish day schools – United States.

Jewish Family and Career Services (Louisville, Ky.)

Jewish Family and Vocational Service (Louisville, Ky.)

Jewish Hospital (Louisville, Ky.)

Jewish religious education – Kentucky – Louisville.

Jewish soldiers.

Jewish youth – Societies and clubs – Kentucky – Louisville.

Jews – Recreation – Kentucky – Louisville.

Jews, Soviet.

Jews – United States – Attitudes toward Israel.

Jews – United States – Identity.

Judaism – Customs and practices.

Judaism – Missions.

Judaism – Relations – Christianity.

Louisville Conference of Jewish Organizations.

National Council of Jewish Women. Louisville Section.

Older Jews – Kentucky – Louisville.

Physical fitness – Kentucky – Louisville.

Rabbis – Kentucky – Louisville

Shalom Tower (Louisville, Ky.)

Sports – Kentucky – Louisville.

Standard Club (Louisville, Ky.)

Synagogues – Kentucky – Louisville.

Theater – Kentucky – Louisville.

United Jewish Appeal.

United Jewish Campaign.

Young Men’s Hebrew Association (Louisville, Ky.)

Young Men’s Hebrew Association Orchestra (Louisville, Ky.)
