Taylor Ryan, Founder and Executive Director of Change Today, Change Tomorrow
Taylor Ryan
Meet Taylor: I am a Kentuckian, born and raised in Paducah and currently living in Louisville. My organization Change Today, Change Tomorrow, founded in 2019, provides barrier-free access to the community through food justice, educational services, and public health initiatives. I am working on a recipe book project titled The Proof in the Pudding. This collection will gather the recipes, photos, and stories of West Louisville residents past and present, highlighting Black folks’ work in a way that brings empowerment, authenticity, and enlightenment to Louisville families. Black folks and our food history should be transcribed, acknowledged, and uplifted. We want to share families’ histories by collecting and publishing these narratives in a recipe book that our stakeholders will appreciate and that we can sell to help sustain our food justice initiatives. Sharpening my historical knowledge will help me to establish trust and maintain relationships with the folks we serve at Change Today, Change Tomorrow.
Taylor’s Community History Project: The Proof in the Pudding: A Recipe Book for Food Justice
As a Community History Fellow, Taylor set to work compiling food recipes, images, and memories from West Louisville families. This effort expands our understanding of the many roles food plays in communities, serving not only as sustenance but also as a means of gathering and joy. Taylor and the Change Today, Change Tomorrow community debuted the Proof in the Pudding project at CTCT’s annual fundraiser gala, The Black Recharge, on October 15, 2022, at the Filson Historical Society.
Have a recipe to share? Submit it here!
More information on this book project coming soon!